
Showing posts with label tcsh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tcsh. Show all posts

Working with different shells in Linux

Most of the time we use the default bash shell in the Terminal.

To find the list of shells in your system type

cat /etc/shells

In addition to bash shell, probably widely used shell is c shell.

Following may be the most used open source shells.
  • bash
  • tcsh/csh
  • ksh
  • zsh
  • fish
Zsh have the features other famous Unix/GNU Linux shells (i.e., bash, tcsh and ksh shell features).

Okay. Now, let us come to csh.

How to install c shell?

In Ubuntu, you can use

sudo apt-get install csh

Now, cshell is installed in your machine.

Now how to use this? Most of the commands you use in bash will work in c shell also. But there are some differences. What are they?

Here is a nice tutorial and list of commands on cshell. Go through int.
Here is the list of main differences between different shells.
Here is another tutorial on cshell.
The Wikibook on C shell scripting can be accessed here.

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