
Showing posts with label pdf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pdf. Show all posts

How to reduce pdf file size?

For a job applications, I had to upload pdf file which had to be less than 500 MB. But, the file size was larger than 500 MB. How to do this?

Here is a way.

ps2pdf fileName.pdf  outFileName.pdf 

Printing or saving the first page (or specific pages) of pdf in Linux

Install pdftk using:

sudo apt-get install pdftk
sudo snap install pdftk

and use:

To save only the first page (in the terminal):

pdftk fileName.pdf cat 10-12 output outfile_p10-12.pdf

To save the first page:

pdftk fileName.pdf cat 1-1 output outfile_p1.pdf

How to hide (white out) some portions in a pdf file

How to hide (white out) some portions in a pdf file before printing?

We may have come across following situation.

You may want to print a research article or any file (which is in .pdf format).

But it may have a lot of pictures that may completely empty your cartridge. You may want to print other portions without this image. Also you may want hide certain portion of the text when you take print out.

Of course. You can do these with the Acrobat Reader (from Adobe)
But, How to do these in the free version of the Adobe Reader?

Here is a simple way.

  1. Open the file in Adobe Reader
  2. Go to Edit --> Paste
  3. A rectangular box will appear (with some text which is typed by you recently)
  4. Adjust the corners/sides of the box so that it hides entire Figure/portion that you want to hide
  5. You may delete the text or you may type some text inside this box
  6. You can also change the color of the outline by right clicking on the box and changing the property.

Hope it helps.

Viewing .jpg, .eps, .tif and .pdf files in Linux terminal

I mostly use .jpg, .eps, .tiff and .pdf formats for scientific publishing.

To open these files in Linux (Ubuntu)

For JPG files
eof fileName.jpg

For TIF files
eog fileName.tif

For .PNG files
eog fileName.png

For PDF files
evince fileName.pdf

For EPS files

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