
Showing posts with label convert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label convert. Show all posts

How to combine .png files side by side

The package montage can be used to combine png files side by side.

Orignally, I want to combine .eps files together. But, I couldn't do it directly. But, there is way to combine .png files as follow.

Suppose, we have two .png files

montage Figure*.png -tile 2x1 -geometry +0+0 combinedFigure.png

Then, you can use "convert" to convert form .png to .eps as follow.

convert combinedFigure.png combinedFigure.eps

This is how I got the work done. The final output file in .eps is not as clear as I expected. But for now, it is suffice. If I come to know more about this, I will update this post.

Following links would be useful to you.

Converting files ( to .eps or pdf) format

For scientific publications, figures are often asked in .eps format.

To do this (from formats like .tif/.jpg/.png), in linux, the package "convert" can be used.

Try this for a file name Figure1.tif

convert Figure1.tif Figure1.eps

This will produce a Figure1.eps file in the current directory.

Some times, you may want to convert a text file (like code) which is written using vim/emacs editor.

This can be done using LibreOffice (a open source) application.

In terminal, 

libreoffice --convert-to "pdf" fileName.txt
The output will be filename.pdf 
Or, open the file in LibreOffice and save as pdf.

If all these doesn't work, some times, I use following online site to convert to eps.

In this site, you can specify dpi and many attributes of the output file.

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