
Showing posts with label openmp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label openmp. Show all posts

Working with OpenMP

Here I will discuss the OpenMP and its usage in high performance computing using different languages.

Here are some links to learn and apply OpenMP.

OpenMP on Ubuntu (from

OpenMP is the language or API that is used to communicate with different processors (or cores) in the same node (note that a node is a collection of number of processors). Any high performance computing use OpenMP because to use more than a processor for a single job, you need to use OpenMP.

Save this program in a file helloSerial.c and run.

{example program with serial running which include the time taken to complete}

Now, check this program helloParellel.c

{simple parellel program which include the time take to complete}

The parallel program is faster. Why?

Some frequently asked questions.

What is a processor?
What is a node?
What is a thread?
What is a core?
What is dual core in laptops?

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