This Nature article on "The quest for postdoctoral independence" ends with this quote. I also feel the same.
This articles provide important points. I compare with the points provided here in another articles from article 10 habits for a successful postdoc.
Take ownership of your project.
Read broadly and learn more about research.
Learn how to train people.
Learn how to write scientific papers, and learn how to give scientific talks
Position yourself to get good letters of reference.
Learn organisational skills.
Be a good citizen of the lab and the department.
Learn how to write grants and apply for your own funding.
Finish papers before you leave your postdoc.
Interetigly, only a few points match between these two article. While most of the postocs do what is given in above points, many postdocs fail to do what is mentioned in the Nature article.
You just need to prove that you have the skills, expertise, collobrative skills, communicative skills, fund writing skills, getting grant, articulative skills, ect in order to convince any committe to land in tenured jobs. These skills would be of great help regardless of whether you prefer academia or industry.
Big tech companies look for those who has these skills with PhDs. Having just Ph.D is not enough for companies.
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