
Showing posts with label type of books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label type of books. Show all posts

What are the types of book a researcher can write

Writing is a process of thinking and doing research. While writing research papers, a researcher undergoes a huge deal of reasoning, adding information, checking for clarity, checking for originality, checking for plagiarism, etc.

So, writing a book can solve this issue. 
What kind of book you may write? You may think
reference book
text book

But, here is the full list of type of books that you can write. 
  1. almanac a book published every year that tells you about what happened in a particular subject or activity (note that this terminology is mostly used for astronomy. recently it is adopted for all fields)
  2. annual a book or magazine published once every year
  3. anthology a book containing poems, stories, or songs written by different people. Someone who produces an anthology is called an anthologist.
  4. authority something such as a book that people respect because it contains a lot of knowledge about a particular subject
  5. autobiography a book about your life that you write yourself
  6. bible  a book that is considered the most important one for a particular subject
  7. biography a book that someone writes about someone else’s life. 
  8. booklet a small thin book that gives you information about something
  9. catalogue a book , website or other resource containing pictures and information about things you can buy
  10. coffee table book a large expensive book with a lot of pictures in it
  11. collection poems, stories, or other pieces of writing that are published together in a book or on a website or other resource
  12. companion used in the titles of books for showing that they are about a particular subject 
  13. compendium formal a detailed collection of information on a particular subject, especially in a short book
  14. cookbook a cookery book
  15. cookery book british a book that contains recipes (=a list of the things you need and instructions for preparing and cooking food)
  16. coursebook british a book that is designed to be used in class by students taking a particular course of study
  17. dictionary a book, website or other resource which deals with a particular subject, providing the words, phrases, and terms used in that field, with information about their meaning and use
  18. directory a book, website or other resource that lists information in alphabetical order
  19. e-book or electronic book a book published on the Internet
  20. encyclopedia a reference resource which provides information about many different subjects or about one particular subject. An encyclopedia may be published as a single book, a series of books, or as a digital product such as a website or an app.
  21. folio a book made with very large pages
  22. graded reader one of a series of books of various levels of difficulty containing pieces of writing, exercises etc, used by people who are learning to read or learning a language
  23. grammar a book explaining the rules of a language
  24. guide a book about a city, country, or area. This also means a book about a particular subject or type of activity
  25. hagiography formal a book about a person’s life that deliberately includes only good things about them
  26. handbook a small book that gives information about a subject or instructions about how to use something
  27. hymnal a hymn book or a collection of hymns
  28. instruction manual a book that tells you how to use a piece of equipment
  29. literature books or other printed information about a subject
  30. literature academic books and articles published about a particular subject
  31. manual a book containing instructions for doing something, especially for operating a machine
  32. memoir a written account of the life of someone who you knew well
  33. memoirs an account of someone’s experiences written by that person, especially the experiences of someone who has taken part in important political or military events (academics too)
  34. miscellany formal a book containing short pieces written by different people
  35. monograph a formal piece of writing, or a short book on a particular subject
  36. omnibus a book containing several stories that have already been printed separately
  37. page-turner informal a book that is very interesting or exciting
  38. pharmacopoeia a book, website or other resource that lists medicines and drugs used for treating medical conditions, and describes how to prepare and use them
  39. picture book a book for children that consists mainly of pictures with little or no writing
  40. presentation copy a copy of a book given to someone by the person who wrote or published it
  41. primer a book that gives very simple instructions or basic information about something
  42. prospectus a small book describing a school, university etc, and giving details of its courses
  43. pullout a thin book that you can pull out of a magazine
  44. quarto a book with pages that are quarto size
  45. reader education a book containing simple pieces of writing, exercises etc, used by people who are learning to read or learning a language
  46. reference book a book that is intended to be used when you need a fact or piece of information, for example a dictionary
  47. rulebook a book that contains all the rules of an organization or a game
  48. songbook a book that contains the words and music of a lot of songs
  49. storybook a book containing one or more stories for children
  50. symposium formal a collection of articles on a particular subject that are published together in a book
  51. textbook or text a book containing information about one subject
  52. thesaurus a book, website or other resource that contains lists of words that have similar meanings
  53. title a book that is produced by a publisher
  54. tome literary a large heavy book, usually about a serious subject
  55. tutorial a book or a computer program that gives instructions on how to do something
  56. yearbook a book containing pictures of people and details of the activities that they did at school or college during one particular year
  57. yearbook american a book containing information about what happened in a particular business or community during a particular year

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