The stream line editor 'sed' and the '
AWK' are the simple and highly useful languages for processing text files.
Here are some of the tips and tricks to use "sed". Later, I will post on AWK usage.
sed -n '/matchingWord/p' foo.txt
Note that this is similar to: grep "matchingWord" foo.txt which seems to be very simple for this task. But for many instances, 'sed' may do more.]
sed -i -e 's/match/replacingText/g' hello.txt
Here, the line containing 'match' will be replaced with 'replacingText.
-e : just displays the outcome but don't change the file
-i : change the file (writes in the file)
s : substitute
g : is for global substitution. If need only first match, remove g.
Last one is the file name.
You can use this to a bunch of files.
sed -i -e 's/match/replacingText/g' file*.txt
To delete lines with match pattern
sed -i '/pattern/d' FileName
To replace ":" with " "
The sed expression s/:/ /g replaces every ":" with a "space".
That is sed substitutes an empty space for every ":" character globally in the file
Sometimes, there may be a need to remove (which is better than replacing a line which contain special characters)
To remove use following onliner
sed '/pattern to match/d' ./filename
To modify the file itself
sed -i '/pattern to match/d' ./filename
Replace the second line (or nth line, first line, third line, etc) using sed:
sed -i '2s/.*/0 5/' c*.in
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