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Showing posts with label list of list. Show all posts

Important things to before you work on High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster: For Beginners

  1. Why HPC is important and where it is used?
  2. For login, use ssh login and use bitvise ssh client from windows
  3. See the default shell, echo '$0' or echo '$SHELL' 
  4. Which Scheduling software is used by the cluster?
  5. Changing user privileges (chmod)  
  6. Copying files or directories from a cluster to local and vice-versa
  7. List all the compilers in the cluster
  8. List the number nodes in the cluster
  9. To see the OS, type, bit, etc. 
  10. List the active and dead nodes
  11. Submit jobs to PBS que (qsub)
  12. How to submit multiple jobs using qsub?
  13. See the status of the submitted job (qstat)
  14. Terminating a Job (qdel)
  15. Run a job in a specific node
  16. What is mean by compiling serially
  17. What is mean by compiling parallel
  18. Compiling C, C++ and Fortran code using gnu/intel compilers
  19. Using make: configure, make and make install
  20. List of commands need to use sheduler
  21. How to check the size of files/files 
  22. How to check disk space used and free
  23. Working with BLAS library
  24. Working with LAPACK library
  25. Working with OpenMP
  26. Working with Intel Fortran + MKL Libraries
  27. Working with Intel Fortran Compiler Cluster edition 
  28. Working with FFTW library
  29. Fortran usage
  30. C usage
  31. C++ usage
  32. Python usage
  33. Using watch command to see the changes on the screen
  34. List of Scripts to work with HPC, cluster, supercomputer
Note: Add your suggestion on what you want to add here. We will add them in future.

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