
Terminating single and multiple jobs in cluster

Before this post, see the qstat post related to this.

If your job is running, 'R' will be displayed in status coloumn. For some reason, if you want to stop all the jobs from 456...460 (! or a large number of jobs submitted)

You can use
qdel 456, 457, 458, 459, 460

or simply, you can use
qdel {456..460}

You can terminate any job running or in queue using qdel.

To delete a group of files with similar tag, use

qstat | grep optscf | cut -d. -f1 | xargs qdel

This will kill all the jobs with the job name optscf

Now another question is "How to terminate or kill a job which is in que without job ID?

This some times happens and you should be aware of how to do this.

Note: Here is a list of important things you should know before using HPC cluster. Hope it helps.

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