Why you should study Physics? Here is the answer from eminent people.
Elon Musk (SpaceX, Tesla, Boring Founder).
Physics gives you the way to think. There is something called "First principles" thinking where you don't assume anything and deconstruct very big problem (no matter how big it is) in to a smallest and simplest one. Elon Musk says in an interview that he use this first principles thinking to design rocket. He goes on, "What a rocket is made of?" A bunch of metals. What is the cost of those metals? About 2% of the total cost of the rocket. So, I can design a rocket at a much lower cost".
Paul Graham (Y-Combinator)
Dr. Graham, a computer scientist (did PhD in computer science) gave a talk to aspiring entrepreneurs. What would you study in college (if a chance is given)? His answer is