
Working with different shells in Linux

Most of the time we use the default bash shell in the Terminal.

To find the list of shells in your system type

cat /etc/shells

In addition to bash shell, probably widely used shell is c shell.

Following may be the most used open source shells.
  • bash
  • tcsh/csh
  • ksh
  • zsh
  • fish
Zsh have the features other famous Unix/GNU Linux shells (i.e., bash, tcsh and ksh shell features).

Okay. Now, let us come to csh.

How to install c shell?

In Ubuntu, you can use

sudo apt-get install csh

Now, cshell is installed in your machine.

Now how to use this? Most of the commands you use in bash will work in c shell also. But there are some differences. What are they?

Here is a nice tutorial and list of commands on cshell. Go through int.
Here is the list of main differences between different shells.
Here is another tutorial on cshell.
The Wikibook on C shell scripting can be accessed here.

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