
Notes on Machine Learning

I am writing this notes on the application of machine learning in Sciences.

The applications of machine learning algorithms increases day by day. I wonder what are the specific applications of machine learning in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

What is machine learning? Is  it possible that a machine can learn? Still we are programming. How it is different from the programming? There is a difference. In programming, you dictate the machine what to do in each step. You are cutting down a big job in to smaller junks of steps containing functions and logical steps, variables, constants, if else statements, for loops, do loops, while conditions etc. You are explicitly programming the computer to do your task. But, in machine learning, you are not programming explicitly. In most of the cases, the algorithms from standard machine learning tools learn from large data and understand about the data. If a new unknown data is given, the machine learning algorithm predict the new data correctly.

First let us see a common example.

If you are using google search engine or amazon online store, you are already benefited by Machine Learning. Because, these companies use Machine Learning algorithms to know user preferences and learned guesses to suggest what the authors want.

Here are some of the courses for learning Machine Learning techniques.

The fields which are useful are.

Even high energy physics.

Some of the chemistry database links are here. These would be useful for machine learning applied to Chemistry and biology problems.

AFlow library
Materials Project

See here for the full list of database of materials. 

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