
Formalism and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

We saw that there are many formalism for classical mechanics. Similarly, there are many formalism for quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is one of the successful theories that describe our nature. Albeit its success and many formalism, the interpretation of quantum mechanics is settled yet.

Different formalism of Quantum Mechanics are
  1. Heisenberg 
  2. Interaction 
  3. Matrix  
  4. Phase-space 
  5. Schrödinger 
  6. Sum-over-histories (path integral)
  7. PT-symmetric Quanum Mechanics (Prof. Carl M Bender)
  8. Ryu Sasaki formalism
The different interpretations of Quantum Mechanics are
  1. Consistent histories 
  2. Copenhagen interpretation
  3. de Broglie–Bohm theory
  4. Ensemble interpretation 
  5. Hidden-variable theory 
  6. Many-worlds interpretation
  7. Objective collapse theory
  8. Quantum Bayesianism
  9. Quantum logic 
  10. Relational quantum mechanics
  11. Stochastic quantum mechanics
  12. Scale relativity 
  13. Transactional interpretation

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