
Accessing Ubuntu Bash files from Windows 10

How to access the files in the Ubuntu Bash update from the Windows 10.

The obvious way is through C:/ folder.

Here is the steps for doing that.

First you need to change the "Hidden folder" default option.
  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Select File --> Change folder and search options
  3. Click on View tab, and select Show hidden files, folders, and drives (if already selected, leave as it is)
  4. Click OK
Now, the hidden folders also will be visible. Remaining steps are
  1. Click on the folder directory address box, copy and paste: %localappdata%\lxss and Enter
  2. Now you will be in Bash directory: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\lxss
  3. Now you can access files in home folder and subfolders.
You can create a Shortcut to this folder (right click on home folder and select create shortcut) and paste the short cut in Desktop or convenient location quick access.

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