Tip 2:
type history.
All of your recent commands would be listed.
12 ls
13 sudo make && make install
14 cd ~/myapps/
Here, if you want to install the 13nth command (i.e., sudo make && make install)
Use as follow
This will run the 13th command.
Tip 3:
Use ctrl + R to reverse search the history and type any part of the command.
For example, in the above case, if you press ctrl+R and then type sudo, the command "sudo make && make install" will be displayed.
If you want to run that command, press Enter.
Otherwise, presss ctrl+R till you get the relevent command.
If you dont't want to run anything, press ctrl+C.
Here is text.
To use previous argument (only one argument present)
$_ or !$
For example, vi ~/home/application/readme
Now, if you want to cat the file,
you can use
cat !$
Where there are many arguments, you can handle like following.
ls file1.txt file2.txt
and you wanted the first one, you could type
If you want to use both arguments
This will list both files file1.txt and file2.txt
You can use any argument by mentioning the number of the argument as fillow
To run new command with all the arguments