
Worlds first Quantum Computer reported...

Recently, there is a post titled "Google reports quantum supremacy in draft paper" regarding a pre-print (a draft that would be published in a journal) reporting a Quantum Computer.

The report said that it takes only 200 seconds by the quantum computer containing 53 qubits which would otherwise take 10,000 years if ordinary supercomputer is used.


Physics world reports, "Quantum supremacy, whereby a quantum computer solves a problem in a significantly shorter time than a conventional (classical) computer, may have been achieved for the first time."

It is a collaborative work of scientists from google, Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab.
It is mentioned that now the pre-print has been removed from the site.


What you should know before purchasing courses?

Online learning platforms such as Coursera, Edx are great. They have high quality courses of diverse topics from well-reputed universities around the world. The professors and instructors are often well known and famous in their field. The problem is that the fees is not affordable to get the certificate after finishing the course. It is often priced at least $100 which is huge for most of the countries. I have tried many courses and finished most of the parts. But, when it comes to getting certificate, it becomes difficult. While there is an option to submit for fee withdrawal, I have not tried it. Their online degree courses are also highly priced. But, I definitely value these platforms for offering free courses free of cost. It costs only if you need certificate. Personally, I want to improve my skills, whether it to be programming skills, mathematics, communication skills, etc. But, some times the certificate is important to showcase your skills.

As an alternatives, some learning platforms provide very good courses for learning new topics. However, some of them are predatory and their charging models very. They often change the price of the course based on automatically changing algorithm. The price is fixed on the learner's interest on the courses.

Here are some strategies that I learnt you may follow before purchasing any course in such platforms:

  1. Log in to your account from Firefox browser with duckduckgo search engine. Because, they don't track your personal information.
  2. Don't add the course to your wish-list. This causes higher prices of courses. This happened to me. I added a number of courses in wish-list. The price never went down $15. Then, when I removed the courses from wish-list, the price of the courses was reduced below $10.
  3. If you find a good course try to look for the instructor's coupon. Because, as for as this platform is concerned what the instructors are getting is very small amount. So, use coupons from the instructors and use to help the instructors. 

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